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Adres:ul. Srebrna 6 Miasto:Poznań

Redakcja nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za wypowiedzi Internautów opublikowane na stronach serwisu oraz zastrzega sobie prawo do redagowania, skracania bądź usuwania komentarzy zawierających treści zabronione przez prawo, uznawane za obraźliwie lub naruszające zasady współżycia społecznego.

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JMxDiE tnnlnjzhjdkz


I have to admit, books about the Houlocast are usually dflifcuit for me to get through, just because the entire concept is so completely appalling. But it's for that very reason that I think the books need to be written and to be READ!The name is escaping right now must go research it out, but the last one I read was about a little blonde girl who wound up being Hitler's poster child for the perfect human. Blonde hair, blue eyes, cherubic face. She writes about being toted to rallies and whatnot, never understanding what it was she was standing for. It's a heartbreaking read, all the more so, for when she does realize what her face meant to Hitler. I'll definitely be adding this to the TBR list.

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